The Talk

When is it time to have the talk? What factors determine the time to have the talk? Probably age and maybe “smartness”. You don’t want to give too much information to bore them but also enough to cover the basics. More or less like a bikini. I think it time we had the marijuana talk.
Yes I just said that. This isn’t a diversion tactic but it’s time we talked about it. First it’s a plant. Secondly it isn’t the leading cause of insanity and stupid decisions. This blogging gig is probably a bad decision but not stupid. It’s a bad idea since as an African child you can’t talk back to your parents. Whether they may have the wrong idea, that’s inconsequential. Its basically a talk that’s going to be hard if you can’t talkback. And having facts and scientific research doesn’t count for anything. Hence, when’s the right time to have the talk?
